Noicattaro, Bari (Italy).
Sunshine, the sea nearby, great cultural and religious richness… Perfect atmosphere to welcome the words of one of our most established clients/friends.
Mr. Vito Pastore is the owner ofPastore Farm in Noicattaro, Apulia. He has been cultivating 15 hectares of table grape vineyards for many, many years, and for exactly 15 years he has been using Martignani electrostatic charge sprayers.
It has two sprayers M612 Whirlwind Compact 600-liter pull-type, the first he purchased in 2005 and the other a few years later.

Compared with the use of conventional sprayers, Mr. Pastore immediately noticed a savings in time and chemical. “With Martignani sprayers I was saving about 7.5 hours per hectare per year.”which in total (given that he owns 15 hectares of Table Grapes in the Apulia area) becomes 112.5 fewer hours of work per year, or 19 working days if we consider 6-hour days.
At the economic level, this time saving is equivalent to € 1,500.00 per year (€ 100.00 per hectare), considering a daily rate, gross of the fee, of € 80.00.

Phytosanitary Management and Savings
In the phytosanitary management of the vineyard, Mr. Pastore employs:
- 300 liters per hectare in the early vegetative stages
- 150 liters per hectare in mid-season
- 80 liters hectare in pre-harvest with the cluster at maximum growth
In this way, product savings are between 10 % and 15 % on the labeled dose (350/400 € /hectare/year).

If we consider the relative savings (time, labor, chemical), Mr. Pastore has paid back the sprayer in just over two years and has come to save, in some cases, as much as €500.00/ha/year.
These customer-confirmed data about savings come from the long treatment season in his Table Grape crops and the cost of chemicals. So they are certified.
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