We are in Hungary, specifically, we are in the eastern part of the Balaton-felvidék wine region where Vigh Wines is located, run by Elemér Vigh and Máté Vigh, a father and son who have been tending 20 hectares of white grape vineyards for years.
They started treating with a Martignani sprayer a few months ago and right away they showed us their satisfaction.
We wanted to know why, and here are Vigh Máté ‘s answers .

I was surprised at how easy Martignani sprayers are to use and maintain.
Can you tell us the model of Martignani sprayer you use?
We purchased a used Martignani Turbo 4 on a Pellenc 8590.
The sprayer is from 2009 and so far does not have the electrostatic system.
Can you tell us about your farm and the type of crops you have?
We are a family business with 25 ha of vineyards in the Balaton-Highland wine region of Hungary.
In particular, we have the varieties of: welschriesling, pinot grigio, sauvignon blanc, irsai olivér, cserszegi fűszeres, muscat lunel.
The vineyards have a planting layout of 2.2m x 0.9m or 2.4m x 0.8m.
Right now, we produce about 30 hl of wine but later I would like to increase the quantity.

What kind of treatment does it carry out?
We use conventional products, mainly systemic, for treatments.
As for machines, on the other hand, we have two Pellenc 8590s: one with a harvesting header and one with a Martignani sprayer.
In addition, we have two Landini rex tractors one 110f and the other 80f, as well as a 95f trekker.
In recent years, we have tried to mechanize the vineyards as much as possible; so, now I only work with my father and for pruning we hire temporary workers, everything else is done by the machines.
Since we used the Martignani for the first time this year, we considered it appropriate to go down as a volume gradually and treated at 300l/ha.
However, next year we plan to do the first 1 or 2 treatments with 100l/ha and the rest with 200l/ha.
One of Martignani’s main strengths is the ability to save significant amounts of time, water, product and labor in treatments.
Even if you have only been using these sprayers for a short time, have you been able to notice any kind of savings yet?
This year the machine saved us a lot of time because it worked on 3 rows at the same time, and since it was a Pellenc machine, we had the tractors available for other work.
We have a lot of experience with vineyard machinery, as our company has worked as a machinery contractor for a large 250-hectare winery. I was surprised at how easy Martignani sprayers are to use and maintain. In addition, I should point out that all the components and material are thick and of high quality.
For example, the air hoses, which are plastic on most other sprayers, are very strong steel on the martignani.
Some might say that this is a disadvantage because of the weight, but on a Pellenc it is simply good because the weight does not matter.
I personally really like the martignani nozzles because they are easy to wash, they do not clog, and so far they are accurate.

Is there anything else you would like to add about your experience with Martignani?
We had a successful year in terms of plant protection.
The harvest is over and we harvested about 9-13t/ha, which is quite good since we had a very dry year.
When we decided to buy the Martignani, I was convinced that since it was from 2009 I would have to change parts and perform a lot of maintenance, but that was not the case.
The sprayer had worked many years for a large company (Monte del Frá) with more than 200 hectares of vineyards, and it was in perfect condition. It seems to be indestructible.
For example, once I forgot to lock my arm at the end of the row in a tight curve and when I turned left my right arm went into the woods, after I turned around I saw a whole tree branch on my arm.
It is heavy and it is made to last.
For us at Martignani, it is always interesting to hear the opinions of customers and friends.
It is a source of satisfaction, but it is also a great way to continue to grow and improve our technology.
We never stop learning and the challenges in agriculture are constantly evolving, which is why we can never stop.
We thank the company Vigh Wines, Hungary, and to our official distributor in the country Penda Kft.
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