Save with Martignani
Martignani’s Theorem: An Example of Business Mathematics in Agriculture
The founder of Martignani Srl, Ing. Claudio Martignani, created and demonstrated in 1998 a mathematical theorem quantifying the savings in terms of labour and use of plant protection products with the use of a Martignani electrostatic sprayer compared to the use of an air blast sprayer.
The demonstration shows that the Martignani Theorem assumes that one vine grower was given two air blast sprayers as a gift. In contrast, another vine grower was sold two Martignani electrostatic sprayers for £48,000,000 (approx. €24,000 today). The Theorem demonstrates, with a clear example, that after a few seasons of work, the investment is reversed, and the use of the electrostatic sprayer shows considerable savings in labour, tractor hours and chemical use.
Specifically, six seasons after purchasing the Martignani electrostatic sprayer, the vine grower saved:
- €24,000 in plant protection products
- 1,200 hours in manpower
- 1,200 hours in tractor
For the sake of argument, let’s suppose that:
- the vine grower ROSSI is sold 2 air blast sprayers at a ZERO PRICE
- the vine grower BIANCHI is sold 1 Martignani electrostatic sprayer
at the PRICE of £48,000,000 (about €24,000 instead of €10,000)
After only a few seasons of treatment work, the PAID VALUES are completely INVERTED
One of the many examples in our possession:
The Isola Augusta farm of Mr Massimo Bassani (Palazzolo della Stella, Udine-ITALY) in 1996 used two air blast sprayers to treat 40 hectares of vineyard in 38/40 hours.
In 1997, it began to use a single electrostatic Martignani sprayer to treat at low volume the same vineyard in 22/24 working hours and saving:

- £8.000.000 (approximately €4,000) in pesticides
- 200 hours in manpower
- 200 hours in tractor use

To date, after six seasons it has made the following savings:
- £48,000,000 (approximately €24,000) in plan protection products
- 1,200 hours in manpower
- 1,200 hours in tractor use
Considering that the machines in question were all paid for at their market price, it is even easier to recognise the validity of the THEOREM.
The Martignani Theorem, created in 1998 by engineer Claudio Martignani, is still valid today.
It is proven that within 5 – 7 years, depending on the number of hectares, growers have amortised the investment made to purchase a Martignani electrostatic sprayer and continue saving water, labour, tractor hours and chemical use.
Moreover, thanks to electrostatic technology, Martignani sprayers are the only ones to guarantee homogeneity in distribution and almost total elimination of drift losses.
To learn more about Martignani electrostatic sprayers watch the video.
With Martignani you save
manpower / time
Working with a Martignani machine
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