Pests in agriculture
Martignani Srl has been manufacturing agricultural sprayers since 1958 to be at the side of producers of all types of crops. Our goal is to protect crops, fighting the main diseases that can affect them, but above all through prevention, all with a view to sustainable agriculture .
We have developed over the years, the most advanced technologies to be applied on our agricultural sprayers so that we can guarantee our customers the perfect solution to protect the plant, without residue or drift.

In fact, Martignani sprayers, thanks to electrostatic charge, produce microdroplets of the right size, which are attracted to the vegetation and evenly and uniformly cover all parts of the plant. Even the most hidden ones. In this way, treatments are effective and efficient.
All plants and crops, even the healthiest ones, can fall victim to diseases caused by animal or plant pests such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, mites, worms, etc. Our goal is to support our clients not only in recognizing the symptoms in order to be able to proceed to the application of the right and effective remedies, but more importantly to be able to prevent all possible diseases and attacks of major pests.
Whatever the crop on your farm (apple tree, vine, table grape, banana tree, walnut tree, etc.) Martignani will be able to guide you in identifying theagricultural spray-drier best suited to your needs, based on both climatic conditions and soil type.
Do you want to defend your cultivation from the pests that threaten it?
We are by your side to find the right agricultural sprayer for your crop