We are in Modena, Bomporto, at the Gavioli Pierluigi Farm. Agriculture is fundamental in this area and is based mainly in the cultivation of pears and grapes.
The Gavioli Pierluigi company has been “friends” with Martignani for nearly 40 years. True to our technology as one of his workers, Nick Lugli, explained.

This company has 18 hectares of pears and 10 hectares of vineyards. All treated with two Martignani sprayers that are 35 and 20 years old, respectively. The first is a Whirlwind B612 Turbo 1, 1000 liter, and the second is a Whirlwind B612 Turbo 2 sprayer with turret.
“We treat at 330 liters/hectare in pears and a concentration of 1/5 (we concentrate five times). Some of our neighbors, again with Martignani, also treat at lower volumes but we prefer to do it this way for safety. Also because it is already a great saving in water and time,” Lugli explains. “Our sprayer has a capacity of 10 quintals, we concentrate the product and in the end it is as if we had given 50 quintals.”
Instead of making 10 full barrels for 18 hectares of pears, I make only 5. That is, half.”
This concentration, according to Lugli, is one of Martignani‘s main advantages. “I concentrate so much that I save not only water, but also labor and time. Instead of making 10 full barrels for 18 hectares of pears, I make only 5. That is half.”

Martignani, other benefits for users
Another advantage that Gavioli company employee Pierluigi pointed out is that “the machines need little maintenance. Spare parts are always there and we do everything in-house. Changing metering valves, bearings, etc.” He adds with irony that “I’m hoping he’ll ditch our old sprayer and buy a new one, but he never gives up!!!”
On the other hand, he emphasizes the precision of execution of Martignani sprayers. “If we set it up with the Martignani formula and follow your directions, it doesn’t miss a beat.” He adds that “it is really impressive how precise the executionis.” In addition, Lugli explains that with the “volume of air the fan delivers, the leaf covers well in all its parts.”

Accuracy and simplicity
Martignani sprayers are advanced technology machines and guarantee very high precision and performance. For this very reason, some people in the industry may think that these are difficult machines to operate or require high knowledge on the part of operators. Regarding this topic, operator Nick Lugli assures that. “the machines are very simple. They have 2 taps that open and close, left and right. In addition to the pressure gauge that we usually have to set at 1.5 bar. That’s all. It is impossible to make a mistake.”
Discover the new model of the Whirlwind
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