Alternaria or brown spot of pear trees

What is alternaria also called brown spot of pear
Alternaria of pear or Brown spot of pear is a disease caused by a fungus.
In the Romagna area, there is growing concern among pear growers about the damage caused by this disease.
Brown spot of pear is, in fact, one of the most dangerous adversities of the European pear tree: it affects all the green organs of the plant, causing damage especially to the fruit , which goes into rot.
In areas prone to the spread of the disease, the following are carried out plant-protection treatments from the time of pear blossom until harvest to try to contain economic damage as much as possible. Brown spot of pear infections start from the leaves of the pear tree after the flowering period (which occurs between May and June) and increase in climatic conditions favorable to alternaria; in the worst case, they even affect more than 90% of the production.
Fungicides against brown spot of pear tree
One of the varieties most affected by this disease is Abate Fetél.
The main weapon to fight it is fungicides, but it is always good to have some precautions such as:
- Adoption of wide planting layouts
- Balanced pruning
- Avoiding suprachyma irrigation
- Harvesting diseased fruit that has fallen to the ground
To combat brown spot of pear, it is important to take preventive action by blocking spore germination.
As for the chemicals or fungicides available there are many, from copper salts to dithiocarbamates or tebuconazole, however, we at Martignani deal with how to treat crops with these products.
In fact, Martignani’s electrostatic charge sprayers guarantee not only the saving of 40 percent of chemical products, but also precise, homogeneous and uniform dye coverage in all parts of the vegetation, even in the most hidden parts.
That’s why to protect pear trees, the first strategic move to make is to choose the right agricultural sprayer.
Want to protect your pear tree crop from pathogens such as brown spot?
With our sprayers, carry out the best treatments on your fruit trees