How to grow healthier kiwis with Martignani sprayers?

Treatment of kiwifruit with electrostatic foggers at low volume.

Kiwi could be defined as an exotic fruit and has several varieties with different shapes and colors. In Italy, the two main varieties are Green Kiwi and Yellow/Gold Kiwi and both are known for their many health benefits (source of potassium, antioxidant …).

Kiwi thrives mainly in temperate climates. The plant is cold hardy, but extreme temperatures can damage the fruit. The ideal climate includes winter temperatures no lower than -15°C and summer temperatures between 20°C and 30°C.

trattamento su kiwi

Treatments, with Martignani sprayers can be made at low volume, even at 100 or 200 liters/hectare.”

Main diseases of kiwi

Kiwifruit cultivation can be threatened by several diseases of fungal, bacterial and viral origin, which can affect production and fruit quality. Here are the main diseases to be aware of and manage.

  1. Kiwi bacteremia (Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae – PSA)

It is the most feared disease for growing kiwifruit, caused by a bacterium that spreads rapidly through wounds and natural plant openings.

  • Symptoms: brown spots on leaves, gummy exudates on branches, necrosis of flowers and desiccation of shoots.
  • Prevention and control:
    • Avoid water stagnation and pruning in wet conditions.
    • Remove and destroy infected parts.
    • Preventive treatments with cupric in autumn and spring.
    • Use of more resistant cultivars.
trattamento kiwi
Configurazione speciale gibdor
  1. Gray mold (Botrytis cinerea)

Fungus that affects flowers, fruits and branches, particularly in high humidity conditions.

  • Symptoms: soft, grayish rot on fruit, necrosis of flowers and buds.
  • Prevention and control:
    • Reduce moisture in canopies by appropriate pruning.
    • Avoid injury to the fruit during harvest.
    • Treatments with specific fungicides during critical periods.
  1. Armillaria (Armillaria mellea)

A wood fungus that causes root rot and plant collapse.

  • Symptoms: reduced growth, yellowing of leaves, presence of white mycelium on roots.
  • Prevention and control:
    • Remove infected plants and disinfect the soil.
    • Avoid cultivation on soils with rotting wood residues.
Batteriosi del kiwi
Kiwi bacteremia
  1. Stem cancer (Phomopsis sp.)

Fungal disease that attacks trunk and branches, causing necrosis and tissue death.

  • Symptoms: dark, sunken lesions on stem and branches, discharge of gummy exudates.
  • Prevention and control:
    • Remove infected parts with targeted pruning.
    • Disinfect pruning tools.
    • Treatments with cupric fungicides in the preventive stage.

Good agronomic practices are essential to protect kiwifruit from these diseases. Prevention is always the best way to achieve healthy fruit and abundant yields.

From this point of view, it is also necessary to use a phytoregulator ( which can be used only where production specifications allow it). This is a product that stimulates cell multiplication and distension. These types of products are able to increase the size of kiwifruit evenly while preserving quality characteristics.

trattamento kiwi
Kiwi fruit from the Fratelli Martino Company


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