Low Volume Treatment on Strawberries in Greenhouse

Strawberry cultivation, is gaining momentum and is certainly a crop with great adaptability. The strawberry is a continuous plant that can be grown anywhere from the plains to the mountains. It prefers medium-textured, fertile, well-drained soil and is adapted to different climates.

In order to have satisfactory results, as far as strawberry cultivation is concerned, it is necessary to know the possible problems you may face and to understand how to counteract them, but above all, to prevent them with the right treatments.

The main weapon is effective and respectful prevention with both the environment and the crop.

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Martignani’s LOW VOLUME technology is the only one that can guarantee effectiveness and speed with little water and reduced dose per hectare.”

Main diseases of strawberry:

  1. Strawberry powdery mildew:

This is one of the most common diseases, is caused by a fungus and can spread to all growing areas, both greenhouse/tunnel and open field. This fungus mainly grows in temperatures between 15 and 25°C, with a lot of humidity and affects leaves, fruits and flowers.

  1. Botrytis or strawberry gray mold:

Again, the culprit is a fungus (Botrytis cinerea), which is resistant to winter cold and develops in a moist environment. This disease causes dark spots that slowly spread to cover the entire strawberry. Later, the fungal mycelium appears with its characteristic gray color.

  1. Strawberry anthracnose.

Caused by an astromycete fungus, strawberry anthracnose affects all organs of the plant, although in the leaves, the symptoms are much less visible. If environmental conditions are favorable to the fungus and allow it to grow, the disease eventually stops the development and wilting of the plant.

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4. Red spider mite

This is a very dangerous pest for the strawberry crop because it reproduces very quickly. It lays about 100 eggs per year that are fertilized in winter and then overwinter during the spring-summer period.

The first signs occur on the underside of strawberry leaves. These are discolored spots that slowly expand and give the leaf a faded color tending to yellow.

This strawberry pest also adversely affects workers as it can cause irritation and allergies.

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How to prevent strawberry diseases?

The best way to fight strawberry diseases is with prevention. Some of the preventive measures are:

  • Proper planting spacing with row spacing of at least 20-25 cm
  • Proper drainage. Water stagnation promotes fungal attack.
  • Removal of dry leaves to prevent the spread of pathogens that may be present
  • Irrigation on the soil and not on the plant
  • Don’t go overboard with fertilizers


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